Thank you for your interest in the Veterans Accessing Lifelong Opportunities for Rehabilitation (VALOR) Program.
This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance.
The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance provides grants to organizations serving veterans and their families.

The mission of V.A.L.O.R. and its personnel is:
A. To equip Veteran offenders with cognitive tools and decision-making strategies to address errors in
B. To facilitate positive changes through participation in counseling, group activities, and skills-building
C. To model pro-social behaviors fitting of a U.S. Veteran throughout the program participation.
D. To motivate participants to exhibit positive behaviors by assisting in re-establishing control in their lives.
E. To create an environment where Veteran offenders will be safe to grieve, process, and heal from the
invisible wounds of their service.
Our philosophy is that Veteran offenders should be held strictly responsible and accountable for their actions, while being provided alternative resources for positive and pro-social behavioral changes.

Eligibility criteria
Open to Veterans of the Armed Forces (to include State and National Guard)
Must NOT have Dishonorable discharge
Both Felonies and Misdemeanor cases are eligible
Non-Violent Offenses (please call for pre-authorization)
No Conviction for Assaultive Charges
No Sex Offenses
Must Complete Classification Evaluation
VALOR Admission
Court Orders
· Original Terms and Conditions of Supervision
· Amended Orders / Sanctions
Plea Bargain
· After Motion to Revoke filed
· After Motion to Adjudicate filed
Out of County Transfers
· All Texas Veterans may be eligible
· Collin County does not currently provide transportation to and from
the program facility
· Veteran offender may request program for Substance Abuse Services
· Veteran offender may request in lieu of Revocation or Adjudication
Length of Program
VALOR currently offers two tracks:
Restorative Program
60 days
Intensive Program
Up to 6 months


Intensive/Supportive Substance Abuse Treatment (IOP/SOP)
Specialized Individual/Group Counseling: CPT, CBT, EMDR
Solution/Trauma Focused therapies that address PTSD, TBI, MST
AA and/or NA
Anger Management
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
Thinking for a Change
Seeking Safety
Integrative therapies include: Art, music, theater, writing
Mindfulness Practices
Conflict Resolution
Life Skills/Parenting
Military Benefits
Chaplain Service